Tuesday, December 28, 2010


For Christmas this year, Wes got me an amazing present - a Nikon D5000!

Last year, I took a photography class and loved it.  For a whole semester I was able to borrow a beautiful camera to use anywhere and everywhere I wanted. I fell in love with it and didn't want to give it back when the class was over. But now, I have my own camera and it's even a step up from the camera I used at school.

So now that I've been experimenting with my camera for about a week, I'm starting to feel pretty comfortable with it. And I've decided to post a "picture of the week" of my favorite picture I've taken each week. This week's picture of the week is:

Actually, Wes took this picture. But it was my favorite, so I'm posting it anyway.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love stringing popcorn for the tree and watching Christmas movies while I drink hot chocolate or egg nog. I enjoy putting up the tree, decorating the house, buying presents, baking cookies, and singing all my favorite Christmas songs. But this Christmas is different from the rest. This is my first married Christmas. For the first time ever, I have my own tree to decorate and my own cookies to bake. And I love it!

One of my friends came over a couple days ago and we had so much fun baking and decorating sugar cookies together.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The most special day of my life was the day I married Wes Atkinson.
July 31, 2010.
photography by Amanda Sipes


Today is one of those days that just doesn't happen like it's supposed to. My car didn't start this morning, so I couldn't run errands like I wanted to and I ended up getting the cold I've been fighting for several days. My nose is running non-stop. I suppose many people would consider that a bad day. A year ago, I would probably have been in a bad mood by now had these things happened to me, but not today.

When I married Wes, I knew he was everything I ever dreamed of. He had the perfect personality, a handsome smile, beautiful blue eyes, a positive outlook on life, a strong work ethic, and a relationship with God. What more could I want? Not only is he my best friend, he's the smartest man I know, and I respect him and look up to him. And since we've been married, I am astonishingly surprised by how his laid back, positive attitude has affected me. It's like a virus, only a good virus. I've caught it and it won't let go. How can I help but be happy when he's always happy?

So thanks to my hubby today is a wonderful day. Thank you honey.


I have wanted to start a blog for a while now, but I always seem to put it off. Usually I'm too busy or it seems too overwhelming a project to begin. Either way, here I am, ready to blog.

I don't have an agenda or a real plan for this blog, it's just a simple blog about a simple girl and the experiences of everyday life. You may find it boring, but I don't apologize. It's the little things in life that make me happy. And that's what this blog is all about, a simple happy life.