Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It all started last week. I was, as always, torturing myself by looking at houses for sale online. This is just the perfect market for home buyers. It makes me sad to not just jump in while it's good. So anyway, I found a house listed that Wes and I had driven past before and really liked. At the time, the sign said 'sale pending' then they took the sign down, so we assumed it had been sold. So last week, when I saw the house was back on the market for 10,000 less than before, I got really excited. Like....too excited. Wes got excited too and called about it. We found out there were already several offers, and soon after, the house was sold. But, we also found out we actually might qualify to buy a house NOW!

Yesterday, Wes called a mortgage consultant. After completing the form, we found out we are pre-approved to buy a house. He referred us on to a realtor, so we will be meeting her soon to begin our house hunt! I can't believe this is actually happening! I am so excited! Our house search has begun.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Recently, I took my sister to one of my favorite thrift/secondhand stores. She's always jealous of the deals I come home with, so she wanted to try it for herself. We went on a sale day, which is even better, except for the crowds. There were racks upon racks of clothing 60% off. Thrift store shopping is not for the faint of heart, it takes time and effort to dig through to find the little treasures.

On this particular day, I decided to shop for Wes. I almost always shop for myself. Poor guy. But this time, it was all about him....well almost. I found him 2 really nice pairs of pants (black and khaki) and 3 really awesome fall shirts. Wes doesn't really have any orange and red in his shirt collection, so I was really excited! The pants were a little long, so I've been hemming them in my spare time. Almost done!

But that's not all. I did have to at least 'look' at what they had in my size. And you wouldn't believe what I found - a beautiful purple Ann Taylor cardigan for $4. It was missing all the buttons, but that was no problem. I just grabbed a mix match of buttons from a button box I recently found at a garage sale. And it turned out so cute!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Wes and I have been having a great time with friends lately! Last week, Kayla was in town, so we went on a little double date with her and John to Purple Glaze. I just love that place. Wes isn't really the cutesy type, but he humored me and helped me paint a little house fund piggy bank.

Isn't he cute? I can't decide what to name him. Piggy? So original. Anyway, I put him on our new end table right by the door. That way, anyone on their way out might contribute. ;)

Speaking of houses, I am so excited! Wes and I decided we are ready to begin house hunting. And not just for fun to look around and dream, we're actually going to start looking for our home sweet home! While Wes is calling people and setting up appointments, I have been eagerly scouring the internet for cute houses for sale. My favorite website is It's easy to use, easy to view, and usually has the most information. But Wes was telling me that once we have the help of a realtor, they can set us up with a personalized website that will keep us updated with new listings that fit our description. I'm so excited!

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In the midst of all the house excitement, we have also been enjoying spending time with our new friends, Crystal and Andi. It's nice to have another married couple around. We can relate to each other so well. We got to know them through our new 20's life group through church. Wes' parents are heading it up for now. Eventually, Wes and I will be in charge. We've met twice now, and each time, it's been so much fun! Everybody brings something to snack on, we fellowship, then have a short devotional/study/prayer time. It's awesome!

Wes and I hosted it last week, and this is what I made:

Caramel Apple Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Frosting. YUM!