Monday, February 20, 2012


Valentine's Day was very special this year. It's hard to believe Wes and I have celebrated Valentine's Day together for 4 years now. Last year, Wes went all out, surprising me with a shopping spree to get a new dress for our outrageously elaborate and expensive dinner date. This year, we did the opposite - saved money and spent the evening at home. And I loved it! When I got home, Wes was standing in the doorway with beautiful pink roses and delicious chocolates. So cute. For dinner, we made chili together and a red velvet cake for dessert. Then we got all comfy cozy in some nice warm flannel pj's, and cuddled up on the couch and watched a cute movie. So romantic.

But that's not all. On Saturday, Wes took me to get a NEW CAR! We bid farewell to our super unreliable and altogether unwelcome Jeep and hello to my new (new to me) bright yellow Chevy Aveo! It's super cute and fits me well. I'm so spoiled. Thanks Wes!

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