Wednesday, January 4, 2012


With all the craziness of the season, and the business of moving, I haven't been able to write about everything that's going on. One major event, and one of the firsts that I mentioned in my last post, was Christmas dinner. This year was my first Christmas EVER away from my Pennsylvania home. I did miss all our traditions and spending time with my family, but I made the most of it and really enjoyed my Oklahoma Christmas. It was a whirlwind of events for sure. In basically a week, we packed, moved out of the apartment, moved into the house, unpacked, and hosted a Christmas dinner for Wes' family. Thankfully, Wes and I both had a nice long vacation from work to accomplish everything. We had a very merry Christmas!


This was our first night in our new house. We set up our Christmas tree, danced, laughed, and finally fell asleep on an air mattress next to the Christmas tree. This will forever be one of my favorite memories.

Wes had to give Lucy a Christmas haircut before the big day. She looks so cute now!

Oh Christmas Tree!  Oh Christmas Tree!

Christmas Eve

After church on Christmas Eve, we spent the evening at Wes' parents house. We had a cookie decorating contest, ate lots of food, and opened lots of presents! P.S. I got a piano, a CHI, a sewing machine, and a Vera Bradley bag!

Christmas Day 

My first turkey! Even though it took an hour and a half to get the neck out, the result was well worth the effort.

I made a Banana Cream Pie just for Wes and a Cherry Pie using my own secret family recipe. Yummy!

Now that it's all said and done and I sit back and take it all in, I am overwhelmed by how blessed I am. God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful, loving, caring, and talented husband, a beautiful house, and great family and friends. I am so thankful for all He has given me. And this season of celebration belongs to Him more than anyone else. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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