Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hillary was in town this weekend for Easter and for Trina's birthday, so we spent a lot of time with Wes' family the last few days. So why I've never done this before, I have no idea, but Hillary showed me how to scrunch my hair to make it curly. I love it!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday was officially the last day of classes in my college career. I can hardly believe it's been 4 years already. Time has flown by. And so much has happened over these past 4 years in my life.

First of all, I gained independence. The first week of my freshman year was so miserably depressing. I was lost. I had never really been on my own before or had to make any major decisions by myself. And suddenly I was stuck 1,000 miles from home in a tiny dorm room with my Russian roommate, Irina. She was super sweet and all, but I didn't feel any less lonely when she would call up her family and talk in that foreign Russian language for hours. Sometimes, I would even hear my name and wonder what in the world she was saying about me.

But soon, 4 of us girls on the floor became very close and the loneliness started to disappear. After a rough first semester, my second semester flew by and before I knew it I was a sophomore.

Fall of my sophomore year was when everything changed. I met Wes. I actually knew Wes my freshman year, but we never really talked, only once. He was in orchestra with me. Since he played bass and I played violin, we sat directly across from each other. My stand partner Maria knew Wes and throughout rehearsals they would quietly talk back and forth to each other, signing and making jokes. Wes just seemed like a really awesome guy and I definitely had a crush on him. Of course, he still really had no idea who I was. Thankfully, one day a mutual friend introduced us to each other. It wasn't long before we were talking and hanging out. And then....we fell in love.

After the end of my sophomore year, Wes graduated and became the band director at a few local Christian schools. I continued on with my junior year. Each day Wes and I fell more in love with each other, and on November 3, 2009, Wes proposed. Of course I said yes, and we began planning for our wedding.

July 31, 2010 was the day I married the man of my dreams. Once we were married, school became much easier for me. My senior year has flown by, and it is very hard to believe I am now done and will be graduating in just one week! It's a wonderful feeling and I'm so excited for when the future holds. Many of my girlfriends are starting to stress out and panic and have no idea what they are going to do, how they are going to get a job, and where they are going to live. I am so thankful to have Wes and I'm extremely excited for our future together.

Graduation is here and it marks the end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of an exciting future with God and with Wes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I was thinking this morning about how immensely blessed I am. Lately, I have been very stressed with completing my final semester. Each day I have lived only to complete my to-do list and move on to the next day. It was kind of depressing. But now it's about over. My senior project is complete and the show is up, I finished my final 2 mile field test yesterday, and completed one third of my final printmaking project. Slowly but surely I am nearing graduation. Only one and a half weeks of classes to go!

Being in the pattern described above was probably not the best way I could have handled the situation. And now that things are beginning to slow down and I can think clearer, I've realized this past month or so must have been really hard for Wes. I'm sure I haven't been the most lovely person to deal with. Being stressed makes me cranky and emotional. Poor Wes. But he was so perfect and helped me through everything with patience. I am really blessed to have such an amazing husband!

Monday, April 11, 2011


For graduation, Wes promised me a puppy. I think I've been more looking forward to my new dog than actually graduating! I have been looking diligently in newspaper classifieds, craigslist, and google. I found several super cute puppies, but most of them were just way too expensive with the added on pet deposit that our apartment complex requires.

But a few days ago, I found her! A lady on craigslist had a one year old apricot toy poodle for sale. She and her husband are moving and couldn't take Lucy with them. I know I haven't graduated yet, but I wasn't about to miss out on what could be the perfect dog for us.

So Wes and I went to see her and fell in love, but not because she's really cute or anything. Actually, right now she is most ugly! But she has the potential to be cute and she has the sweetest personality ever! The owners had just trimmed her and it is very obvious that they are not ever meant to be groomers. She was SO ugly! 

But what was special is that she came right up to me the second I saw her. She wasn't afraid and it was clear that she liked me. I just knew at the moment I had to have her. So we got her! Wes came up with the name Lucy and it fits so well. She's slightly red on her face and paws and her personality is very much a Lucy girl.

She's been such a good girl the past few days. She follows me everywhere and as soon as I sit down, she has to be on my lap. It's so precious! I think she's the perfect addition to our little family.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's kind of funny to me that I would even in the slightest be interested in the fact that the 2011 baseball season began yesterday. I am not typically a sports person and really I know embarrassingly little about baseball. But this year is going to be different. Wes and Hillary decided we should be really involved with the season, so we all formed a fantasy baseball league.

During the draft, I was obviously clueless as to who I should pick to be on my team. But with the handy dandy help of yahoo, I was able to create a very distinguished and admirable team. Shake and Bake is their name, and yeah, that just happened.

I didn't know for sure how much I was really going to like playing, but after yesterday, hopes are high. Shake and Bake is in the lead 111/37. It's on! Wes and I actually watched a baseball game last night on TV. How weird is that? And I was following the live stattracker all afternoon, even during class. Hmm. Anyhow, this baseball season is really going to be exciting! And look out Mashers, Zebras, and Bad News Skateboards, Shake and Bake is gonna shake and bake YOU!